

a)  The handbook must be brought to school daily.

b)  Private online / home tuition by the school staff is not permitted. However, remedial classes will be organized by the school, at no extra cost, for the identified slow learners.

c)  Parents are requested not to give gifts to teachers / non-teaching staff on any occasion / for any reason.

d)  It is compulsory for the students to converse in English in the school premises. Parents are requested to encourage their children to speak in English, to read English magazines, books and newspapers at home.

e)  First aid will be provided by the school as a primary treatment for any unexpected situation / any mishap / problem. It is the parent’s responsibility to give further treatment.



a)  Students must report to school by 8.00a.m.

b)  If a student comes late for more than 4 days in a month, a fine of Rs.100/- per day will be collected, on all days she subsequently arrives late that month.


Uniform & Cleanliness

a)  Students are expected to maintain personal cleanliness, hygiene and neatness at all times.

b)  Students must come to school wearing the proper school uniform with ID cards. The prescribed uniform list is available on page number – 33 of this handbook.

c)  Uniform must be neatly cleaned and ironed

d)  Hair must be made into two neat plaits/ two neat ponytails (short hair) and tied with ribbons. Fancy hairstyles/ leaving hair loose will not be entertained.

e)  Students are not allowed to bleach / colour their hair, wear nail polish, tattoo or any henna design. Nails must be kept clean and short.

f)  Students are not permitted to wear costly / fancy jewellery.


Co-curricular Activities & Games

a)  Active participation of all students in co-curricular activities is expected.

b)  Students will be excused from the co-curricular activities and games only with valid reasons and prior permission from the Principal.

c)  If any student gets selected in any competitive sport/test or project, parents should take care of the requirements and expenses.


Code of Conduct

a)  All students are expected to behave with decorum, upholding the dignity of the school and parents, at all times. Students must obey their teachers and school authorities at all times.

b)  Students are strictly forbidden from bringing electronic gadgets, cell phones and objectionable books / materials to the school.

c) Eatables should not be purchased from unauthorized vendors outside or near the school premises.

d)  Students should not loiter outside/near school gate or service lane during dispersal. Students standing in groups on the roads in and around the school campus and talking, denouncing the prestige of the school, will be severely dealt with.

e)  All conventions of etiquette must be strictly adhered to. Irregular attendance, disinterest in studies, disobedience, malpractice and misbehaviour is sufficient reason for punishment and even dismissal from school.

f)  Students are strictly forbidden from organizing parties in hotels with schoolmates without the knowledge of parents or taking part in similar such activities.


School Property

a)  Care must be taken to keep the school clean at all times. Students are responsible for the cleanliness of the class room and the school campus.

b)  Students found scribbling on or damaging the school property will be penalized.

c)  Litter must be disposed off in the dust bins provided.

d)  Students will be responsible for any destruction/ damage/accident in laboratory, playground, restrooms , in class / during educational tour or travel. Any decision, fine or punishment should be accepted by the parents.


Open Day & Report Card

a)  Parents should meet the teacher on the specified open day.

b)  Only parent should sign the report card.

c)  In case a parent is not able to attend the meeting, he/she is requested to inform the class teacher with the valid reason prior to the meeting. The parent is requested to come to school the next working day between 3.00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m.

d)  In case of non-compliance by the parent in attending the meetings, school administration is authorized to take appropriate action.


Communication: Parents & Teachers

a)  Any communication made by the parent should be addressed to the Principal in the school handbook or through a letter.

b)  Parents should check and see if there is any communication to them from school on a regular basis.

c)  Parents who are not in a position to meet the teachers when called for may communicate the reason to the school authorities in writing (in Hindi, Tamil or English).

d)  The school maintains a record of communication details of the parents. Any change in name, address, phone numbers, or E-mail ID should be intimated without delay.


Regularity in Work & Responsibility

a)  Students are solely responsible for the custody of their books and belongings. They are advised not to bring valuable articles or wear gold jewellery to school. The school will not be held responsible for the loss of any personal items.

b)  Delay in submission of record books/worksheets/ class work is to be avoided.


Collection of Funds & Money

a)  Collection of money for any reason whatsoever, is not permitted in the school without the permission of the Principal.

b)  No student/group of students will be allowed to collect funds in any form, from any source. Any violation of rules will result in dismissal, with issue of TC.

c)  Students are forbidden from bringing cash to school. However, if they have to bring money for canteen, auto, bus etc., parents may send a letter to the coordinator specifying the amount. If any student is caught with cash during surprise check, TC will be issued forthwith.


Classroom Discipline

a)  Perfect silence should be maintained in the class room and assembly hall.

b)  When a teacher enters the classroom, the students should rise and remain standing till they are instructed to be seated.

c)  Students are not allowed to enter the staff room. Teachers will meet them outside the staff room, if and when necessary.

d)  Inside the school, students moving from one classroom to another room / play field must go in a single file in perfect silence.

e)  During school hours, students can leave the classroom only with the permission of the teacher. No student should be found loitering outside the classroom.

f)  Members of school student council should set a good example to the other students and juniors by their courtesy, polite behaviour and self-discipline.


Permission & Out pass

a) Students are not permitted to leave the school campus during working hours.

b) In case of emergency/unavoidable circumstances, students will be permitted to leave the premises with a gate pass from the school office which is to be produced to the watchman.


Misconduct & Punishable Offence

a)  Non compliance of rules, misbehaviour, resorting to unfair means during exams, quarrelsome attitude, use of abusive or objectionable language.

b)  Stealing or causing injury or any physical harm to students due to uncontrollable anger.

c)  Collection of money for birthday parties or for any private celebrations.

d)  Absenting oneself from school without the knowledge of parents and school authorities.

e)  Mobile phones, video games, toys, jewellery and cash are prohibited inside school campus and if found on the student there will be a penalty of Rs100/- every time.

f)  Bringing Non-Vegetarian food or items will be considered as a punishable offence.


School Library Rules

The school has a good library with books to cater to the needs of students of classes Pre KG to XII . There are qualified and experienced librarians to maintain the library and to guide the children in their work.

a)  Students of class VI to XII are permitted to borrow one book at a time.

b)  Books borrowed must be returned within the specified due date.

c)  Strict silence must be maintained in the Library. Personal belongings like books, bags, umbrellas, etc., are not permitted inside the room.

d)  In case of damage or loss of library books, the borrower has to replace it with a new book immediately.

e)  Students will not be given TC when they apply for it unless all the library books are returned and the librarian gives the ‘No due’ Certificate.


Examination & Evaluation

a)  Regularity, seriousness and systematic study habit is ensured in scholastic, co-scholastic areas and activities through the pattern of assessment prescribed by the CBSE board .

b)  The Academic Year will have 3 terms .The first term will be from April to August, the second term will be from September to December and the third term will be from January to March .

c)  Std. IX to XII will be exposed to regular tests and examinations as per the CBSE pattern.

d)  No leave will be granted during the time of assessment and absence will not be entertained.


Anti Bullying Policy

The school authorities are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all the students so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying is antisocial and contrary to our ethos. Bullying of any kind is wrong and will not be tolerated. Complaints will be dealt with firmly, fairly and promptly.

School Facts

Our Strength

Students and Teachers are the strength of our institution bringing many accolades including 100% pass results since the beginning
120 +
Experienced Teachers
40 +
School Activities
3200 +
Happy Students
Parents Testimonials

What They’re Saying?

Happy parents share their experience about SBSM School