Parents seeking admission for their wards should submit the Application form procured from the school, duly filled in and signed.
Children who have completed three years as on May 31st of the academic year will be eligible for admission to Pre KG.
While giving admission to students, preference will be given to students staying closer to school.
Admission to Classes LKG to IX will be made on the basis of an entrance test conducted by the school, subject to availability of seats.
The school authorities have the right to reject any application before / after conducting the entrance exam.
The result of the entrance test and the date of the interview will be intimated to the selected candidates only.
The following documents must be produced at the time of admission:-
a) Birth Certificate
b) Transfer Certificate and Conduct Certificate from the previous school.
c) Photocopy of the previous year’s Report Card / Marks statement
d) Community Certificate should be submitted by OBC (BC/ MBC) /SC/ST candidates.
e) Aadhaar Card
Admission given for the classes Pre KG to X are valid till std X only. Students who have completed std X in this school and want to continue for std XI have to re-apply for admission to Senior Secondary
(Std XI & XII). Admission will be based on their general conduct and academic performance in std X , subject to availability of seats.Students of LKG & UKG and all newly admitted students should pay the total annual fee in full at the time of admission.
- As per the norms, withdrawals are not permitted except at the end of the year, unless such a withdrawal is warranted by the transfer of parent or similar circumstances.
- TC will be issued at the end of the academic year, on request, only if the parent applies for the same, stating valid reasons for withdrawal.
- Notice of withdrawal must be given in writing along with the TC fee, on or before 31st January, of every academic year. Those who apply for TC after 31st January have to pay the First Term Fee of the next academic year.
- Parents may collect TC after 7 days from the date of declaration of the results, provided the no due certificate is issued from the various departments of the school.
- The TC will not be issued until pending dues, if any, are cleared.
- Duplicate TC will be issued on receiving request letter and on payment of the prescribed charges.
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