
Reduce Bag Weight

 “Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.” – Mother Teresa

Heavy school bags are a serious threat to the health and wellbeing of students. It has a severe adverse physical effect on the growing children. To reduce the number of books the children carry to school, we at SBSM, have come up with an initiative whereby students would not need to carry their textbooks to school. This will also help recycle textbooks.

Children will be requested to donate their old textbooks to the school at the end of the academic year. This will be kept in the class rooms and used during the next academic year.

For example, if a student of class VII in the academic year 2021-22, donates her textbooks at the end of the academic year, her textbooks would be kept in the VII grade classroom. The VII grade students of the year 2022-23 would use her books in school. While in school, they would use the textbooks donated by their seniors. At home they would use their own textbooks.

Learning beyond classroom

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